Too Dear by Leo Tolstoy Short Questions – Answers




Too Dear by Leo Tolstoy
TOO DEAR By LEO TOLSTOY SUMMARYToo Dear by Leo Tolstoy Short Questions and AnswersToo Dear by Leo Tolstoy Questions and Answers
1. What did the king enjoy even if his kingdom was small??

The king of Monaco enjoyed his royal status and power even if his kingdom was small. He had a palace, courtiers, ministers, a bishop, generals and an army.

2. What was the source of the king’s special revenue?

The king took taxes from tobacco and wine. If he had not found a new source of revenue then he took taxes from gaming house, where people came to play a gambling game. The keeper of the gambling house paid a large sum to king out of his profit.

3. Significance of the statement “You can’t earn stone places by honest labour.”

“You can’t earn stone places by honest labour ” means without doing wrong work one cannot built palace. Here in this story the king of Monaco knows, gambling is a dirty business but he was helpless. He had to feed his courtiers, officials and himself. Thus he justify the dirty business.

4. What was the incident that disturbed the peacefulness in the kingdom?

The people of Monaco believed in peace but there happened a murder which disturb the peacefulness in the kingdom.

5. Why was the execution of the criminal not possible?

The execution of the criminal could not become possible because the kingdom had neither a guillotine nor the executioner. The cost quoted by the French and Italian governments for the same were too high for the toy kingdom. The soldiers also expressed their inability to cut off the criminal’s head in a rough manner.

6. Why was the criminal reluctant to go out of prison?

The criminal reluctant to go out of the prison because they ruined his character by the punishment and he would be unacceptable in the society and he may also lost his work.

7. What was the only way to get rid of the criminal?

The only way to get rid of the criminal was to offer him a lifetime pension, as a result they decided to give him 600 Franks per year.

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