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The Three Unities of Drama




The unity of time allows only single revolution of the sun in the life of the protagonist on the stage. In other words, the plot of a tragedy should include only 24 hours of the life of the protagonist on the stage. While composing the fable the writer has to chose the most significant 24 hours from the life of the protagonist. The rest of his life may be reported to audience with the help of chorus.


The second principle to be taken care of while composing the fable is the unity of place. This unit doesn’t allow frequent changing of the places where the action taken place. The desirable situation is that the play should end there only at a particular place where the play has begun. This unity allows only that much change in the place as it is reasonable within 3 hours.


An ideal fable of Greek tragedy has avoid all those acts and events which are related to sex and violence. By the way of fable it should not be presented on thr stage. It may br reported to the spectators through chorus.

Chorus is formed of a group elderly people and the function of chorus is to report on the actions of the tragic hero, to comment on it and ti work as a link between the protagonist and the suffering people. Chorus is an inevitable element of the plot of Greek tragedy.

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