Elegy: Meaning and Examples

ELEGY   WHAT IS ELEGY? An elegy is a special kind of lyric. A lyric expresses the emotions of the poet and the elegy is an expression of the emotion…

Background To Poetics by Aristotle

BACKGROUND TO POETICS Aristotle's "Poetics" can be considered the first attempt to defend poetry and performing art in the history of criticism. Aristotle wrote "Poetics" in response to Plato's charges…

Decorum Meaning and Example

DECORUM   There are other Literary notes on different Literary Terms on our website. Click on the link below to see the page.. COMEDY AESTHETICISM MYTH CHORUS LYRICAL BALLAD MIRACLE…

Myth literary term

  MYTH In ancient Greece, the term "Mythos" signified any story or plot, whether true or false. Today, a myth is one story in mythology - a system of hereditary…