Characteristics of One Act Play

Characteristics of One Act Play

THE ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ONE ACT PLAY AS A LITERARY FORM INTRODUCTION One act play is an important literary type. To define (describe, classify , identify) it in simple words,…

Alliteration: Meaning and Examples

ALLITERATION Alliteration involves the repetition of a specific sound in words that are placed near each other in a sentence. This are mainly consonant sounds, but can be vowel sounds…

Elegy: Meaning and Examples

ELEGY   WHAT IS ELEGY? An elegy is a special kind of lyric. A lyric expresses the emotions of the poet and the elegy is an expression of the emotion…

Characteristics of Short story

CHARACTERISTICS OF SHORT STORY:   »Chekhov is of opinion that; "A short story should have neither beginning nor end, he believes that the purpose of the short story is to…