Self introduction in English




Hello! My name is [Your Name]. I am [your age or grade/class if relevant]. I live in [your city or town]. I love [mention a hobby or something you enjoy doing, like reading, playing sports, or drawing]. I am a [student/professional] and I am passionate about [mention something you’re passionate about, like learning new things, helping others, or your field of work].


In my free time, I enjoy [another hobby or activity you like]. I am [a positive quality, like friendly, hardworking, or curious]. I always try to [mention a goal or something you strive for, like learning new skills, making new friends, or doing your best in school/work].


I am excited to be here and look forward to [mention what you want to achieve, like meeting new people, learning more, or contributing to a team].


Thank you!!!




This introduction is straightforward and can be adjusted based on your age, audience, and the context in which you’re introducing yourself.



Hello! My name is Manav. I am 10 years old and I live in [your city or town]. I love playing cricket and reading books. I am a student and I really enjoy learning new things, especially when it comes to exploring different stories through reading.


In my free time, you’ll often find me on the cricket field or with a good book in my hands. I am a friendly and curious person, always eager to meet new people and discover new ideas. I try my best to do well in school and always aim to be helpful to others.


I am excited to be here and look forward to making new friends and learning even more.


Thank you!



This should be a great way to introduce yourself!

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