In simple words just as a ballad is short story in verse the epic is a long story in verse. Epic is a long narrative poem presenting heroic characters who take part in a series of adventures, usually over an extended period of time. The first epic was created from the scattered works of various unknown poets. The classical epic was influenced by Virgil. It developed certain devices which was later on used by poets. Some famous epics of the world are The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer, Aeneid by Virgil. The Divine comedy by Dante, The Faerie Queene by Spenser and Paradise Lost by Milton.
There are two types of epic.
(1) Epic of Growth
(2) Epic of Art.
The epic of growth stems from folk songs and stories. It is not the creation of a single individual or the product of deliberate artistic endeavor. A number of stories come down from generation to generation. Some poet might have collected them, organized them and imparted them form and unity. Iliad and Odyssey are the examples of such epics. Beuwolf is also an example of epic of growth. However, the name of the poet who compiled the scattered elements of legend and folklore remains unknown.
An epic of art is an example of an artistic imitation of the manner and style of the authentic epic or the epic of growth. It is the effort of a single individual attempting to emulate and surpass earlier poets. Aenied of the Roman Poet Virgil and Paradise Lost of the English poet Milton are the most well-known examples of the Epic of Arts.
1. It is a long narrative poem divided into twelve books.
For example; Paradise Lost by Milton.
2. It deals with the military exploits and deeds of bravery of some national hero or of some person of national or international importance. He is a giant among men and has extra ordinary physical powers. Homer’s Iliad talks about the heroic deeds of the Greeks during the war of Troy.
3. A number of thrilling and sensational episodes and digressions are introduced.This is full of exaggerations.
4. The supernatural element plays an important role. In Homer’s epic the Iliad the Gods intervene in the action.
5. An epic represents the spirit of the age in which it is written.
6. The purpose of the epic is moral. Milton’s “Paradise Lost” explains and defends the ways of God to humanity.
There are some epic conventions too which are followed as far as the method of narration is Concerned:
- The story begins from the middle which is known as in media race. The earlier part of the story is told in due course.
- The epic begins with an invocation to the Muse to inspire him.
- The invocation is followed by a statement of theme of the epic and the purpose of the poet in writing it.
- There is a journey to the underworld to seek the help of some supernatural agency.
Some of the other famous epics are Prelude by Wordsworth written in the Romantic Age, Keat’s Hyperion and Byron’s Don Juan. The Idylls of the King written by Tennyson in the Victorian Age is also put in the category of epic poem. In the modern era The Waste Land by TS Eliot is considered the epic of the 20th century.