Characteristics of Elizabethan age

Characteristics of Elizabethan age




In the history of English literature, there are different literary ages. Each age has its own unique identity because of its literary, political and social features. The Elizabethan Age or the Age of Shakespeare is the age of great literature and writers in which one can notice the features that show the glory of being a human being. The reign of Queen Elizabeth covers the span from 1558-1603. It is full of energy. This age is considered the golden age in the history of English Literature. It was influenced by Renaissance a lot.

• The characteristics of Elizabethan Age are as under :

1. Queen as the supporter of the writers:

Queen Elizabeth became the ruler of England in 1558. With her coming to power, writers got new inspiration for writing. Queen Elizabeth as a ruler Considered her duty to support writers. Her support was two sided moral and financial. She personally used to appreciate the writers and their works. She used to provide financial support to the writers and so their works reflect their love for Queen Elizabeth. The best example is Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queen. It is based on the, biblical  theme where Spencer uses the word FAERIE QUEENE for Queen Elizabeth. Since Queen Elizabeth was supporting the literary activities, Elizabethan literature witnessed multiplicity of themes. This change is a major feature of Elizabethan literature.


2. Printing Press Facility:

In Germany, the scientific invention of the printing press took place. This proved useful to the English readers of the Elizabethan Age. Due to the printing press facility, the translation of the classical works were published in bulk. The result was that those translations were even available to the common reader of English language. Printing press facility indirectly helped in spreading the classical ideas because printed material became available to the English readers.


3. Translation:

Elizabethan Age gave many good translators who translated the classical works of Italy,France,and Greek into the English language. As the result of this translation activity, the classical works became available and understandable to English writers. During that era, printing press was invented due to which it became possible for everyone to have a copy of the literary work that brought a great change in the thinking of the public. William Tyndale translated The Bible and its language entered into all theological writing. The Authorized Version of Bible left an eternal mark on the evolution of the English language and literature. Sir Thomas North translated Plutarch’s Lives and John Florio translated Montaigne’s Essais. Metamorphosis was translated by Arthur Golding.


4. New Learning and New Awareness:

Translators translated the classical works and printing press helped in spreading the classical ideas. Because of it, there came awareness of new learning. Formerly people were not aware of so many ideas pertaining to life but they became aware of those ideas after reading the translation of the classical works. It brought new awareness in them and they learnt how life should be lived. A major change in their attitude to life and the change is, instead of living life in future, they started living life in present. Their desire was to know more and more about the complexity of life and this desire was fulfilled by the writers.


5. Humanism:

Humanism is a major characteristic of the Elizabethan Age. New learning and awareness of the Elizabethan Age gave birth to humanist. Humanism keeps man at the center of life. It was during the Elizabethan Age that Humanism Approach developed. Formerly idea was at the center but with this age, mankind came at the center.

This human approach or humanism was directly reflected to the Elizabethan literature.

Shakespeare’s Helmet exclaims;

“What a piece of work is man!”
During this era, it was said:
“Glory to the man is the highest
Fir man is the crown of things.”

Shakespeare says character is destiny,

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”


6.  Patriotism OR Nationalism:

Patriotism is one more literary feature of the Elizabethan Age. The writes were morally and financially supported by Queen Elizabeth. They considered it their moral duty to express the love and respect for their nation. Patriotism or Nationalism is to be found in the works of the writers. Spencer used the title The Faerie Queene for Queen Elizabeth. Shakespeare wrote historical plays showing respect for the ruler and for the nation. The spirit of nationalism and patriotism was not online the writers but also in common man of the country. Under the influence of new learning and new awareness, they felt in their duty to love their nation.


7. Experiments in the field of Literature:

Elizabethan writers, poet and dramatist made different experiments in the field of literature. They tried to discontinue certain literary traditions and to establish some new literary norms. In this respect, the first remarkable point is Shakespearean tragedy. Tragedies were even written by the classical writers like Aeschylus and Sophocles. Nevertheless, they were called the Greek tragedies. The ancient writers treated characters as pupates in the hands of fate. The case is different with the Shakespearean tragedy. This different is a remarkable literary feature of the Elizabethan Age. In Shakespearean tragedy, fate is not character. Shakespeare in his tragedy, follows neither the principle of chorus nor the principle of unity. There is multiplicity of themes and subject matter. In his plays, he attempted political plays, tragedies, comedies and even problem plays like “ All’s Well that Ends Well.”

The second major literary experiment of the Elizabethan Age is attempting sonnet and Allegories. Formerly it was in two parts – sestet and octave. Shakespeare divided it into three parts first two sestets and remaining two lines in the form of heroic couplet. Spenser attempted Allegorical form in his celebrated work The Faerie Queene. He uses the form to discuss the Christian values and the biblical themes. Spenser through his allegory suggests that if a man lives his life with truth and holiness, no falsehood and pride can touch him. Sir Philip Sidney was an intimate friend of Spenser. He wrote Arcadia. It is considered his attempt in the field of criticism. Lyly’s Euphues  tried to present the world of utopia. Many other poets wrote songs and sonnets. Because of this, England was considered as “ A Nest of Singing Birds.”



In the Elizabethan Age, renaissance finds its highest and most spontaneous expression it marks the real beginning of a very high order of literature. Due to various factors, the enrichment of English language became possible. This made the development of literature easy. The literature of this period is romantic. All these desires were abundantly fade during the Elizabethan Age. It is really the first and greatest romantic epoch.

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