ALLITERATION Alliteration involves the repetition of a specific sound in words that are placed near each other in a sentence. This are mainly consonant sounds, but can be vowel sounds…
HYPERBOLE Other Literary Notes: 1. Antithesis 2. Simile 3. Personification 4. Metaphor 5. Metonymy WHAT IS HYPERBOLE This figure of speech is based on imagination. Hyperbole is a…
ANTI-THESIS More Figures of speech 1. Metonymy 2. Metaphor 3. Simile 4. Personification WHAT IS ANTITHESIS? In this figure of speech, contrasted ideas or words are set against…
METONYMY "Metonymy" is a figure of speech based on association. The word "Metonymy" has been derived from the Greek word "Metonumia". "Meta" means "Substitute" and "Onoma" means "Name". Thus,…
METAPHOR The word "Metaphor" comes from the Greek, "meta" means "Change" and "Phero" means "I bear". Thus it means a transfer of the significance. By this figure a word…
SIMILE INTRODUCTION The word "simile" comes from the Latin word "similis" which means likeness. A simile is statement of likeness between two different things or actions. It consists of placing…
PERSONIFICATION Personification is a figure of speech in which the attributes of a person are transferred to inanimate or abstract things. In other word,s in this figure inanimate objects…