Learning how to speak to the public is vital to the success in every profession. Speaking is a skill that everyone can learn with much practice and sufficient dedication. Today in the age of science and technology knowledge is power but one who knows how to convey this knowledge in more powerful and successful. In the case of speech also, what you say is not so important as how you say it. Following are the few essentials of a good speaker, which make a message more impressive and effective.
No speaker should come to an event without being prepared. Speaking requires a lot of energy, planning and research, especially if one is not familiar with the subject. The speaker should know, why the audience is there to listen to his speech. He should be responsible enough to research on important things that will help make your speaking s success.
A good speaker connects with the audience in the first few minutes with a riveting story, a funny incident, a starting statement or perhaps a poem. They never make more than 3-4 points in their speech. For each major point, they share an illustrative story. A good story evokes emotion and offers a lesson. Before closing also , a good speaker will summarize all points and will end his speech with an inspiring story. The use of stories or illustrations helps audience understand the concept in a better and easier way.
The first important requirement of effective speech is that words should be pronounced clearly and correctly. Oral messages are often misunderstood due to incorrect speaking by the speaker. Inability to use the jaws freely, to speak with a limber lip and limber tongue and to speak slowly often results in poor communication. If a person tries to talk as fast as he thinks, his words will run together and rammed into one another so that he speaks something and the listener understand something.
Many a times people take pleasure in talking so sometimes speech suffers from over – communication. However, if a person keeps talking for long, his message will get lost in a sea of verbosity. It is important to keep the message as brief as possible without being discourteous. The speaker should try to be brief. While giving details he should remember that brevity is the soul of wit. One should try to be direct and straightforward. A brief speech conveys a better impression on the audience than a lengthy speech.
A person communicative must have confidence in what he says. He must be sure about what he wants to say then only he will able to impress the listener. Confidence comes from sincerity of approach and careful thinking and planning. If the speaker is not confident, the listener will not be ready to believe whatever he is speaking. A speaker must build the courage to confront the audience. To do this one must practice acting fearlessly and courageously.
(6) Choice of Words:
A speaker should try to increase his vocabulary and word power consciously so that he will be able to use right word at the right time. This is important as words have different meaning for different people. So it is necessary to be careful in selection of words. Similarly same word should not be used again and again. One should be try to bring freshness and newness in his speech. The words used should be familiar to the audience. In oral communication it is advisable to use known words, as audience has not any chance to listen to the word again.
Before starting the speech, the speaker should give a proper thought to his message. He should think and plan his speech properly. If a speech is not planned properly the Ideas cannot be conveyed clearly and it results in confusion and the mood also gets spoiled. If the message is arranged properly, it becomes forceful.
While quoting the facts and figures one should always try to be perfect and accurate. Lack of accuracy leads to doubt and it makes the listener suspicious about the speaker. To be accurate one must check up the data property to avoid wrong quotation even by accident. Once the audience suspects you of giving wrong information, they may not even accept the accurate part of your speech.
Last but not the least, a great speech should,
- Create a DESIRE!
- Motivate to take ACTION!
- Click here to see more literary notes on different kinds of topics from literature like Prose, poetry(Poems of different poets like William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, William Blake), drama, short stories, essay, Criticism, essay analysis, literary terms, figures of speech and many more;